Transform your strategy: adopt Loop Marketing instead of the traditional funnel


Patrick Giguère

It all starts with an idea. At Code Source Marketing, we believe there’s no limit to what you can accomplish when you believe in it. Let us help you make it happen.

In a world of rapidly changing consumer behavior, it’s time to say goodbye to the traditional sales funnel model. Today, the customer journey is more like a cyclical process, allowing customers to navigate freely between different stages. Understanding and integrating this dynamic can transform your marketing approach.

Customer journey stages

  1. Engagement: It all starts with appeal. Customers are drawn to captivating content that resonates with their needs and desires. This is where your brand begins to make a lasting impression.
  2. Exploration: Once engaged, customers begin to explore your brand and offerings. This includes searching for additional information and discovering what sets you apart from the competition.
  3. Evaluation: At this stage, customers compare the options available. Did you know that most people consult Google reviews before doing business with you? A well-cared-for brand image and positive testimonials are therefore crucial.
  4. Action: This is the moment of truth, when customers actually buy. A smooth, frictionless shopping experience is essential to convert prospects into customers.
  5. Loyalty and retention: After the purchase, the aim is to retain these customers and encourage them to return. By offering a memorable experience, you encourage them to choose your brand again.

The importance of brand image

A well-groomed brand image can have a significant impact on the decision to buy. In less than six hours, you can optimize your Google profile, improve your image and generate leads. If you lack the in-house resources to carry out this optimization, we’re here to help.

Adopt Loop Marketing

Adopting a cyclical approach means choosing a customer-centric strategy. This requires flexibility in the face of consumer behavior, and seamless integration between marketing strategy and content creation. Based on solid data, you can adjust your actions according to the results obtained.

How to integrate this concept into your daily life

To integrate this cyclical model into your daily life, here are a few actions to consider:

  • Map customer journeys: Understand the different stages your customers go through.
  • Create relevant content: Produce content that meets needs at every stage of the journey.
  • Use the right technology: Implement tools that facilitate customer engagement and follow-up.
  • Foster engagement: Create interactive, engaging experiences that build customer loyalty.
  • Differentiate through experience: Offer a unique customer experience that sets you apart from the competition.

By adopting this cyclical model and focusing on the customer experience, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ever-changing marketing landscape. Start transforming your strategy today and building lasting relationships with your customers.

Your first task: review your Google My Business account to make sure all reviews are answered. Don’t forget to invite your satisfied customers to share their experiences, ideally with photos. A complete profile will improve your Google ranking, so make sure it’s 100% complete.

If you’re short of time, just give us a call! We’ll take care of everything for you in less than 6 hours!

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